Post by Maarten Wiltink[...]
Post by JamieThe compiler will load a Float type from binary types and other
floats of course how ever, going the other way around, you need to use
functions to do the conversion from a FLoat to a binary type.
They're all binary types. I take it you mean 'ordinal', 'integer',
or 'fixed point'.
Post by JamieYou also have the "Trunc" function that will generate an integer
value but it'll always round down..
Which is why it's named after truncation. There's Int, Round, and Trunc,
and they simply do what they were meant and documented to do. There's
nothing 'but' about it; if any one function doesn't do what you want,
use (or build) the one that does. It's not rocket science.
Maarten Wiltink
With our present day level of students being pushed out the
door just to collect tuition, non rocket science is becoming a challenge.
And yes, when I stated binary, it was in the context of non fractional
native data types. I think most with half a brain can figure that out..
If not, maybe they're in the wrong business/hobby or should be
asking/seeking very basic help on the subject.
I'm a firm believer of elementary education on subjects to avoid the
aggravation that can result from skipping over those basic needs..
I started with digital electronics, punch cards, hex keypads inputs etc..
Not saying one has to go that low to learn, because you can learn
those things with educational software tools now days. But on should
understand those level's before undergoing a serious level of coding.
It is my opinion, if that was the case for most young pro claimed
programmers out there, things like .NET would have never survived! Which
is another sore subject for me. (Bloat) and more (Bloat), wasted use of
CPU time ect...