2010-11-07 16:58:27 UTC
I am using the procedure below to draw a line on the screen. How do
I increase the pen width? Canvas isn't working.
Also, is there any way to force the line to stay there? As it is
now, it erases whenever you drag the mouse over it. What I am trying
to do is create a program that overlays a nautical chart in a browser
whereby you can plot degrees between way points. Thanks.
var DC, PanDC: HDC; x, y: Integer; bmp: HbitMap;
dc := GetDc(0);
Canvas.Pen.Width := 7;
MoveToEx(Dc, Form1.Left + 100, Form1.Top + 100, nil);
LineTo(Dc, 300, 300);
ReleaseDC(0, DC);
I increase the pen width? Canvas isn't working.
Also, is there any way to force the line to stay there? As it is
now, it erases whenever you drag the mouse over it. What I am trying
to do is create a program that overlays a nautical chart in a browser
whereby you can plot degrees between way points. Thanks.
var DC, PanDC: HDC; x, y: Integer; bmp: HbitMap;
dc := GetDc(0);
Canvas.Pen.Width := 7;
MoveToEx(Dc, Form1.Left + 100, Form1.Top + 100, nil);
LineTo(Dc, 300, 300);
ReleaseDC(0, DC);