Evil miniFAQ Boss
2013-03-03 01:50:12 UTC
Version: 2006-09-16
First maintainer: Esther Michaels
Current maintainer: Maarten Wiltink (Evil miniFAQ Boss)
Posting schedule: Short version every Sunday, full version every first of
the month
Copyright 2001-2006 the current maintainer, all rights reserved except the
right to re-distribute the current document. Even better: give out the
Latest version:
Plain text version:
Examples page:
1. How do I start another program from my program?
2. How to stop a second instance of my program from executing? (Also: HPrevInst
doesn't seem to work, why?)
3. Floating-point work - i.e. with single, real, real48, double, extended -
gives long decimals or wrong numbers. Why?
4. Is there a limit on the number of characters allowed in a tMemo/tRichEdit?
5. Why do I get an "abstract error" when I try to use a tStrings variable?
6. How do I access a component/property/field of Form1 from Form2?
7. How do I change the background, font, general appearance of an entry in a
tListView, tTreeView, tListBox, tCombobox list, tStringGrid, etc.?
8. How do I change the formatting of a line/word/character in a tMemo?
9. Why does the debugger show my For loop variable counting down, not up?
10. How do I get the path of my executable? And, how do I retrieve the command
line parameters?
11. When my program is in a loop it doesn't respond to user input or update its
display. Can I change this?
12. How do I access the compilation date in my program?
13. How do I access the VersionInfo tab's data at runtime?
14. Does Delphi have an equivalent to the VB Split function?
15. I create a label/edit/some other control at run-time but it doesn't appear
on the form. Why?
16. How do I use streams?
17. How do I declare an event handler for an object that I create at runtime?
18. When using the TRegistry component under Windows NT, Windows 2000, or
Windows XP, a user with less than Administrator rights is unable to
access information stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive. How can I
work around this?
19. When drawing text on a canvas, how do I determine the resulting text size?
20. How can I loop through the components/labels/edit-boxes on my form? (Also:
Tag is unused, what is it good for?)
21. Can I pass objects to a DLL? (Also: Why does it say 'Cannot assign a TFont
to a TFont'?)
22. What compiler settings should I use, and where do I set them?
Version: 2006-09-16
First maintainer: Esther Michaels
Current maintainer: Maarten Wiltink (Evil miniFAQ Boss)
Posting schedule: Short version every Sunday, full version every first of
the month
Copyright 2001-2006 the current maintainer, all rights reserved except the
right to re-distribute the current document. Even better: give out the
Latest version:
Plain text version:
Examples page:
1. How do I start another program from my program?
2. How to stop a second instance of my program from executing? (Also: HPrevInst
doesn't seem to work, why?)
3. Floating-point work - i.e. with single, real, real48, double, extended -
gives long decimals or wrong numbers. Why?
4. Is there a limit on the number of characters allowed in a tMemo/tRichEdit?
5. Why do I get an "abstract error" when I try to use a tStrings variable?
6. How do I access a component/property/field of Form1 from Form2?
7. How do I change the background, font, general appearance of an entry in a
tListView, tTreeView, tListBox, tCombobox list, tStringGrid, etc.?
8. How do I change the formatting of a line/word/character in a tMemo?
9. Why does the debugger show my For loop variable counting down, not up?
10. How do I get the path of my executable? And, how do I retrieve the command
line parameters?
11. When my program is in a loop it doesn't respond to user input or update its
display. Can I change this?
12. How do I access the compilation date in my program?
13. How do I access the VersionInfo tab's data at runtime?
14. Does Delphi have an equivalent to the VB Split function?
15. I create a label/edit/some other control at run-time but it doesn't appear
on the form. Why?
16. How do I use streams?
17. How do I declare an event handler for an object that I create at runtime?
18. When using the TRegistry component under Windows NT, Windows 2000, or
Windows XP, a user with less than Administrator rights is unable to
access information stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive. How can I
work around this?
19. When drawing text on a canvas, how do I determine the resulting text size?
20. How can I loop through the components/labels/edit-boxes on my form? (Also:
Tag is unused, what is it good for?)
21. Can I pass objects to a DLL? (Also: Why does it say 'Cannot assign a TFont
to a TFont'?)
22. What compiler settings should I use, and where do I set them?